Alien 2/55


People often ask me
why I'm here
Why are YOU
You in all your colourful blackness
Why is your dark brown skin disrupting our normal
It's what passes for small talk
It still knocks the life right out of me
Strips me of the little skin
I managed to grow since the last time
Slow and lengthwise
I get it I jut out
Too magick to be real
Tightly weaved white communities
Suspicious of this extraterrestrial
Too human for white minds
Panic always in my eyes
I say concentration camp
You say direct provision
I say concentration camp
You say refugee camps
I say we are dying
You say we too we're slaves too
I say that's just nazi propaganda
You make it your Irish identity
Like you could ever understanding 
Living this life
Surviving with that noose softly swinging over your head
We're out here
The survivors of the epidemic
Of the white nationalism
That poses as revolution here
But everyone stares
I feel every stare as a reminder
I was brought here to be gawked at
Stripped of selves
In name, in root, in home
Our heart's too fearful
Yes, even feral heart's love
The fear always in our eyes 
Only topped by othering white eyes
A sad black ghost just wanderin
I lie
I say i came here with an ex
I say i came here for a job
I lie 
It's not my lie
Not my shame
Not my crime
But still my pain
one I recoil into too often
But it fills me with bile
I've tried to drown it, with drugs and alcohol
In vague stories and it hurts
Tears away at me from within
"Trafficked" seems such a heavy word
Somehow it must be my fault
My brain is trained to say
It all came crashing down
I wanted to love it here
There in the timelessness of flashbacks
A human that cant translate
Herself to Irish
Here I was just crying into the wind
Here I have to argue for my human
Beginning to understand
Why i felt so lost and helpless
Unable to make roots
So pained and alien
And in the hurt you have his voice
I hear him resurrected in every
Off hand anti black remark
It has made me cold, confused and lost
My heart working overtime
To stave off the cold
I hear the blood of my ancestors
Fertilizing your green green island
You say we weren't here
I smell their blood on your breathe


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